Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Impact of Illegal Imagrants in America

America is a place of great opportunity, which is why this issue is so important. I'm all for people coming to this country to create a better life for their selves and their family's. But we must impose stricter border control and monitoring of illegals. There should be a time limit on becoming naturalized, also you must enroll in some kind of English program to learn the language. If you don't adhere to these guidelines you'll be deported and have to try again. The problem isn't just with the illegals but also with the people that hire them, because they're willing to work for under minimum wage and to do the jobs that other qualified legal residents can do. The problem transcends all barriers, they drive illegal vehicles, getting into accidents raising the insurance rates, people trafficking illegals into the country creates more crime and money involved to combat the problem. I agree this is not an easy problem to fix nor should be just up to the government to solve. We all have a part and say as to what goes on in this country and in our communities. People need to step up and let it be known to their congressman and senators as well as local authorities that something needs to be done.

1 comment:

  1. I think that your topic is off to the right start. You seem to understand the problems quite well. If you decide to focus more on the problems, then I think that you will do pretty well with the direction the paper is currently going. If you decide, however, to focus more on the solutions, you will probably need to dig a little deeper into the solutions.
